I am a begginner in the world of skinning, and hope to become as good as some of the other authors I have seen out there.
Logon Studio Not Working On Windows 7 64bit
Published on March 6, 2010 By firstliight In Stardock Support General

I installed LogonStudio on my Toshiba Satellite laptop which has Windows 7 Home Premium, 4Mb of memory, 64-Bit OS, and a fast processor.

After the install through Impulse with no error message nor any problems with the install visually, I ran Logon Studio and tried to apply one of the logons that comes with logon studio. After clicking the apply button, Logon Studio takes you to the logon screen of ones computer to see the applied logon, but nothing changed, it did not apply the selected logon. Each time I applied any of the logons nothing happens, its still the Microsoft logon screen.

I dont know what the problem is and I hope some one here can help me with issue.

Thank You


Comments (Page 3)
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on Aug 02, 2013



en buscar programas y archivos dar click en buscar apareceran 2 documentos

enable background change

desable backgriund change

da click a enable y listo.......

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